My Faith Matters

Pastors Impacting Policy

Dear Faith Leaders,

America didn’t become great by accident. She excelled because America placed God on the throne and followed His principles. Proverbs 28:12 (NIV) says “When the righteous triumph, there is great elation, but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding.” We are seeing wickedness exalted throughout this nation and have decided to do something about it.

This is why we urgently need you to join us for our My Faith Matters: Pastor’s Impacting Policy Tour. There is a clarion call from God and we know He is calling you to stand in the gap to fight for our children, our values, our nation and for our God-given rights.

The National Faith Advisory Board (NFAB), America’s Largest Faith Coalition, is activating the faith community to give a voice to all people of faith. NFAB’s core tenets are to Protect Religious Freedom, Defend Life at all Stages, Honor Family Values and Promote Patriotism. We are educating our fellow believers on the most important issues affecting our country, equipping you with the best information to defend your rights and mobilizing faith leaders to show the power of the faith community WHEN we all come together. You are not alone in this fight. Join us! There is no cost to attend these events.

Join us for Prayer, Fellowship, Worship and to Restore America!


The National Faith Advisory Board Team

Sign up for NFAB newsletters to be notified first of new tour dates. NFAB has already visited Miami and Tampa, Florida; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Cornelius, North Carolina!
We hope to see you soon in a city in the future.

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