Pastors have a vital role in protecting religious freedom and fostering spiritual growth among their congregations. NFAB hereby establishes this Pastors’ Bill of Rights to outline pastor’s responsibilities and freedoms based on their legal rights.

Freedom of Speech and Expression

Pastors have the right to freely express their religious beliefs, including in matters of morality, ethics, and public policy, without fear of censorship or repercussion.

Freedom of Conscience

Pastors have the right to adhere to and teach their sincerely held religious beliefs without being compelled to violate their conscience or the tenets of their faith.

Freedom from Discrimination

Pastors shall not be discriminated against on the basis of their religious beliefs or practices and are free to make personnel decisions – including hiring, promotion, or termination – in accordance with their religious beliefs and without government interference.

Freedom to Address Policy Issues

Pastors have the right to address policy issues from a moral and ethical standpoint, including in sermons, teachings, and other church activities, especially when it affects their congregants, without fear of retribution or loss of tax-exempt status.

Freedom to Register Voters

Pastors have the right to engage in non-partisan voter registration activities, encouraging civic participation and responsible citizenship.

Freedom from Unwarranted Governmental Intrusion

Pastors have the right to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters of internal church governance, doctrine, and religious practice, consistent with the principles of separation of church and state.

Freedom from Threats and Intimidation

Pastors shall be protected from threats or intimidation based on their religious beliefs, teachings, or practices.

Freedom of Assembly

Pastors have the right to gather with their congregations for worship, prayer, and fellowship without interference from governmental or other external entities, except as provided by law for public safety.

Freedom of Association

Pastors have the right to associate with individuals and organizations that share their religious beliefs and values without being subject to undue scrutiny or interference.

Freedom of Legal Representation

Pastors shall have the right to obtain legal representation and receive due process in any legal proceedings that may affect their rights, privileges, or duties as religious leaders.

This Bill of Rights seeks to affirm the fundamental freedoms and protections that pastors require to fulfill their sacred responsibilities and serve their communities with integrity, compassion, and faithfulness.

Receive Free Legal Assistance
NFAB partners with First Liberty Institute. They are a religious freedom law firm dedicated to protecting religious liberty for all Americans, especially pastors. First Liberty provides legal help to people of faith at no cost. If you believe your religious liberty has been threatened or violated, or if the rights of your church have been jeopardized, contact us at NFAB and we are happy to put you in touch with First Liberty Institute.